Well hello there, thanks for stopping by. I never know what to write on these pages but I guess I’ll start with the most asked question… Munch-what-now?
I’ll start off by saying that I’m not usually sentimental in any way shape or form – so I even surprised myself when coming up with a name for this business. Munchquin has a few meanings behind it really…
1st up, my husband and I both loved The Wizard of Oz when we were little (enjoying it separately, we didn’t grow up near each other). Anyhow, I mean seriously loved it, favourite film ever and all that – especially the Munchkins. And with the surname of Quinlan, well, you can see where I’m going with this. Secondly it’s a bit of a nod to our little lad, Albie. When I was pregnant with him, we often joked how we’d half expect him to start speaking like one of the Munchkin’s (partly because of the mash up of accents he’s going to have – I’m a southerner with family who are ‘South London and proud’ and QQ and his family are from Manchester) and referred to him as a Munchquin. So there you have it…
So, now that’s out of the way, I guess I should touch upon the ‘credentials’ as it seems like that’s the done thing… I’m a self taught Designer (because I literally learnt nothing at uni) with a background predominantly in Web Design / Front End Development; I’m a ‘computer nerd’ at heart and always will be, but after a 13 year career in Web Development working in agencies and as a consultant, followed by a 4 year hiatus from digital design altogether (spent on my Wedding / Event decor business), I’m back with a reignited passion for all things design – whether it be surface pattern design, product design or stationery design.
I love creating simple, bold, often geometric style illustrations. You will see from my portfolio that I have quite a distinct style of designing with occasional nods to decades past and whimsical references.
Oh, and for what it’s worth, I’m a big fan of Bowie, wine, coffee and shapes.
So that’s me in a nutshell, what about you?
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